This week feels so long and so short all at once. I needed a source with a daily briefing today, because there's a lot happening. Here are a few topics this article touches on:
*The #trumpshutdown
*The Kavanaugh Supreme Court:
-Grant the Trump administration's request to bar transgender people from serving in the military... 😡😤😱 I could not be more upset about this ruling.
-The Supreme Court is also taking on their first Gun rights case in almost a decade. I'm sure the conservative tilt will bode well for #gunsafety laws ::sarcasm::
-They also decided not to take action on the Trump administration's plans to end DACA protections.
*Governor Cuomo... (who I don't particularly love) has made, what seems to me to be, a positive move with the MTA by opposing their request to raise our subway fares, YET AGAIN while continuing to provide us crappy service. They argue they need the funds for improvements, but they've been raising our fare for years without bettering the service.... where did *that* money go?
*Los Angeles teacher's strike ended with positive compromises!
There's much more in the article if you'd like to catch yourself up on the current happenings!
Podcast recommendation on the shutdown: This is a short 19 minute update on what's been happening 👇