Trump and Republicans have welcomed Barr's summary, which they say vindicates the president and gave them a surge of momentum into the burgeoning 2020 election season.
Democrats say they can't be sure Barr isn't providing political cover for Trump, pointing to skepticism he voiced about Mueller's inquiry before he was nominated to be attorney general. Trump's opponents say they can't be sure what to make of Mueller's findings until they see the findings firsthand.
This may feel like déjà vu news, but it is not! The report will now be released to Congress... unfortunately, it will be redacted. To what degree, we don't know just yet. This article goes through all the questions that have popped up about the release of Mueller's report. Like:
Could Barr try to protect political allies of the president?
Democrats say they're worried he might.
"It seems to me that's an exception you can just drive a truck through," Rep. Ed Case, D-Hawaii, told Barr last week.
Trump's opponents accuse Barr of working not as an independent arbiter but as a servant of the president. Democrats were furious, for example, when Barr called the surveillance conducted of Trump's campaign in 2016 "spying" — after the Russian government had launched its disinformation war on the presidential campaign.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., complained that Barr was "going off the rails"and that she didn't trust him. She'll trust only what she reads from Mueller.
We don't know what we don't know until we know it!